Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fort of Devagiri

Since our driver got so lost on the way to Ellora, we weren't able to visit the sister caves, Ajanta.  Instead, we headed towards Aurangabad.  On the way, I took a few more photos from the car.

Yes, she is holding a child.  In fact, we've seen even bigger families on scooters like this.

On our way to Aurangabad, we stopped in Daulatabad, at the Fort of Devagiri.  (From Wiki:) The Daulatabad fort was one of the most powerful forts during the medieval period. Built on a 200 meter high conical hill, the fort was defended by moat and glacis running around the hill at its foot besides the most complex and intricate defense system.

As part of the defense system, there are pitch-black caves that were meant to confuse and disorientate the enemy.  We got a tip not to miss the "bat cave" -- which, we totally found.  A non-authorized tour guide wanted to take us inside, but we were good with just looking.  I don't think I've ever seen that many bats before in one place -- it was pretty cool.  Unfortunately, my battery was dying at this point, so I don't have a ton of pictures.

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